Activity Details

Detailed Activity Chart PDF

The following activities will be included in the Friday and Saturday events. There will be time for doing the activity and debriefing / reflecting on the lessons learned. We recommend you have your journals nearby. You will find it surprising that how you do these activities is how you do your life. You will discover some profound things you didn’t know before. We invite and encourage all to participate in every activity, young and old. We are all in this together. We will help you where needed. “If you can carry more, then carry more. If you can’t carry much, then carry what you can. But if you cannot carry anything, that’s ok, we’ll carry you.”

Parachute Grenade –

This is a fun challenge that is done in the military. You will be divided up in smaller groups. Each group is seeking to accomplish an end goal together but in order to meet the end goal, some principles of oneness need to be learned by all involved.

Volcano Eruption –

We all have blind spots and unbelief that either cause us to play small or get in the way of our happiness and relationships. This challenge doesn’t only help with discovering those, it helps us to understand how they play into our daily interactions with one another. This is a fun way to discover what we do and why we do it.

The Wall –

We are all seeking to become the family of God. This challenge can be accomplished only when realizing “we only succeed in succeeding together.” We may need to discover first how to overcome the things that divide us for us to truly unite.

Reflection –

The purpose of this activity is to reflect on the previous activities and share with each other. After learning about ourselves and how we relate to others, this will be a chance to laugh, and connect and experience the power of confession and how it can be used to unite our hearts together.

A Cloak of Charity –

In Gethsemane, the Savior used the power of charity to overcome ALL things. We too can follow His example and use the gift of the at-one-ment to unite us together. This activity is a chance to share, listen, reflect, ponder and discover what really unites us.

Soul Connection –

The purpose of this activity is to bring into awareness how connected we really are. There is power in seeing and recognizing the beauty of another soul. We cannot see our oneness or even God if we hide in shame and insecurity. Allowing ourselves to be seen also opens the doorway to truly see and connect with another.